- why you cant focus: brain is a muscle and you need to train it to focus. you cant lift 300 pounds if you dont train to do that
- modern world is full of distractions and you dont get chances to focus
How to improve focus
- ignore distractions and bring your focus back to work
- this is painful; similar to when working out
- the pain makes the mind muscle stronger
Practicing focus
- enjoy the pain since over time the pain will make you stronger
- when its hard to focus and you get distracted, enjoy the struggle and get back to focus
- this mentality is similar to working out
Tips for success
- find work that feels like play
- when the work is enjoyable its easier to focus
- when someone is working 16 hrs a day, you are playing 16 hrs a day
- brain can focus for 90 min sessions
- try and eliminate distractions for those 90 min
- rest is important between the 90 min sessions
- a walk or an activity to let your mind relax is useful
- stimulating the brain with video games doesnt count
- the first 8 hrs of the day are the most productive
- if you get good quality sleep, then you have lots of will power for the first 8 hrs
- first 2 hrs of the day are the most productive
- first thing in the morning, work until you cant focus anymore
- its difficult to focus after eating
- carb/sugar heavy meals make it harder to focus
- try and fast the first 8 hrs of the day
- intermediate fasting can be useful for the fist 8 hr of the day
- during the focus sessions, take a few seconds and do nothing
- brain learns faster with rest in between
- its similar to resting between working out sets