Encoding keys and certs

Exploring the confusing concepts of ASN.1, pkcs1, pkcs8, pem, and der and how they relate to cryptography.

Let us start with some example pseudo code:

// 1. generate cryptrographic key (ex. ecdhe)
let key = ecdhe_handshake();

// 2. generate a BIG_NUM
let big_num_key: BIG_NUM = BN_set_word(key);

// 3.
// asn1_obj = ASN.1: ()
//   - pkcs1: defines the RSA format
//   - pkcs8: defines the key format (RSA, EC, ..)
let asn1_obj = Pkcs8::new(private_key);

// 4: The der encoded ans1 object is simply the raw bytes
let der = asn1_obj.to_bytes();

// 5: The pem encoded asn1 object is the base64 encoding of the raw bytes
// pem = cat key.der | base64
let pem = der.to_base64();

In the snippet above we are attempting to encode a private key.

  1. key: secret key generate perhaps from a key exchange
  2. big_num_key: generate a bignum from the secret key
  3. create a pkcs8 encoded ASN.1 object: asn1_obj
  1. Represent the asn1_obj as either der or pem:
    1. der: the raw bytes of the ans1 object
    2. pem: base64 representation of the der ans1 object

What is ASN.1?

First, take a look at the ASN.1 object representation of the certificate of this site

For a detailed dive into ASN.1, I can highly recommend reading the post Warm Welcome to ASN.1 and DER. In summary, ASN.1 is a language (IDL) for:

  1. defining data structures (ie. define structure of a certificate)
  2. serialization and deserialization of those data structures

The advantage of writing ASN.1 definitions instead of Go or C definitions is that they are language-independent.

While it is possible to represent a data structure within the language itself, the ASN.1 representation is language agnostic and can be used across multiple languages. Kinda similar to how Java is write once run anywhere.

// C representation
struct point {
  int x, y;
  char label[10];

// Go representation
type point struct {
  x, y int
  label string

// ASN.1 representation is language agnostic
Point ::= SEQUENCE {
  label UTF8String

There are some other languages that do the same things as ASN.1. For instance, Protocol Buffers offer both a language for defining types and a serialization format for encoding objects of the types you’ve defined... ASN.1 (1984) had the significant advantage of already existing when certificates (1988) and HTTPS (1994) were invented.

ASN.1, while not perfect (a ASN.1 parser is complicated to implement), has become the standard in cryptography.
